Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Yes we are leaving for a 4 month world tour

We are less than a week away for an adventure of a lifetime and I can't wait. For some of you this trip might be a little bit of a surprise, so perhaps let me provide a quick background on how we got here.

As some of you know Spunlogic got acquired by Halyard Capital in March 2008. The Agency was renamed Engauge and I remained with the agency based out of Atlanta. I approached my executive team with a request to take a 4 month Sabbatical a few months ago and was lucky enough to get my request approved. I have to thank the executive team and all my fellow colleagues at the agency for this opportunity. A number of you have worked hard during my role-off transition to take on my duties. Thank you!

So back to the 4 month world trip. As my first post I'll leave you with an image of the world map and our route (above). The countries we'll be visiting are Chile, Argentina, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Tibet, Mainland China, Japan, Thailand, England, and back to Atlanta.

Make sure you follow our blog as we travel around the world in less than 4 months:-)


  1. Hi guys!! Sheesh - four months! I'm glad for you you both :).

    Enjoy, have fun and I'll be sure to peek in an see where you guys are from time to time.

  2. How totally exciting. I am looking forward to seeing your adventure thru your eyes. One thing I have learned in my travels is that we are all more similar than we ever expected. So very glad for you that you are living this dream.

    Lynda Kass, Hot Springs, Arkansas
