Saturday, March 14, 2009

Riding Horses through vineyards. What could be better?

Unfortunately this is a quick post as it's 2am in Peuto Monte, Chile and we have a 8am charter flight to FutaleufĂș Vally for a week of riding. more to come on the next post in about a week.

Anyway the last few days in Santa Cruz have been amazing. From jumping into a rental car and finding our way down to what I'd like to call the James bond on wineries (
Casa Lapostolle's Clos Apalta), to riding through vineyards experiencing the beauty of the back country on amazing strong horses.

I wish I could write more, but you'll have to wait a week for the details. Oh got stopped by the policia two nights ago, but luckily they where cool:-)

Click here for all the latest photos...

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